Have Your Say

Over the past two and a half years, the Hearts and Minds team has been bowled over by the appetite from the grassroots perinatal mental health community to come together, share learning, celebrate successes and talk honestly about the challenges affecting our sector.
We’ve had many meaningful conversations with well over 100 VCSE services in this space, all doing incredible work on the ground to support families experiencing perinatal mental health challenges.
We’ve also hosted regular online ‘Conversation Space’ meet-ups for the sector and held space to have rich discussion about pertinent themes affecting the community.
Our intention is to enable a more coherent, joined-up approach and to help harness the phenomenal work across the grassroots. It’s vital that we collectively secure greater recognition from policy-makers and commissioners and, ultimately, encourage more sustainable funding for VCSE services in perinatal mental health.
In order to do this, we need YOUR feedback as VCSE services on the ground, to continuously inform our strategic direction and transparently evaluate our programme of work – and to keep it going too!
We know that resources are stretched and capacity is limited, but we’d like to ask you to spare 10 minutes of your time to complete this online survey to give us the best possible chances of amplifying the voice of the VCSE community and steering the way we do that.
Just follow this link to access our survey: https://corexmsywz9ftlfn5wkr.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3z9s89majs8vRDE
Huge thanks for your goodwill and for taking the time to have your say.
If you have any questions, please contact hello@heartsandmindspartnership.org