Volunteers' Week
A HUGE thank you!

Volunteers’ Week takes place from 1st-7th June every year and is a chance to recognise the incredible contribution volunteers make to our communities and to say thank you.
Volunteers’ Week is supported and celebrated by small grassroots organisations as well as larger, household-name charities, who together run hundreds of activities across the UK. These activities showcase and celebrate volunteers and the contribution volunteering makes in our communities.
This year is an opportunity to say an extra big thank you to volunteers working in the VCS perinatal mental health sector who have gone above and beyond in such challenging times to adapt services and ensure that families have sustained support available to them in their local communities.
One of the many rich and diverse aspects of the thriving grassroots perinatal mental health sector is the variety of models that are developed and the range of services available, from peer support to structured workshops, talk therapy, befriending, home visit programmes and advocacy to name but a few.
While some organisations are wholly made up of volunteers, others adopt different resourcing models with a combination of employees with lived experience, health professionals and volunteers.
Volunteers play an important role in the VCS perinatal mental helth community and many organisations develop career pathways for beneficiaries who have come through their services, understand them first-hand, and once recovered, they feel that volunteering is a rewarding way to give back and develop their skills.
This 37th annual Volunteers’ Week is taking place during the #MonthofCommunity. Running throughout June, #MonthOfCommunity brings together organisations with a range of events in order to encourage us all to think about and join in with activities happening in our local communities.
For more info on Volunteers’ Week visit their website.